Tuesday, May 20, 2014


One could ask whether there is truly a need for another science news and analysis blog.  This question is difficult to answer.  Is there already enough information available?  Probably.  Could we always use more information and different opinions and analysis?  Certainly.  Will the extra information add enough to overcome the cost of storage to create this blog?  I do not know - that is to be determined based on readership and interest.  Do we need more scientists to engage the public, present and interpret results of new studies?  Almost definitely. 

A little bit about myself: I have a Ph.D. in physics.  My research specialty is magnetism and spin dynamics in solid-state systems.  I worked at an industrial research lab for a spell, then I had a fellowship working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), until the money ran out (or so that is the official statement).  Currently, I am searching for the next opportunity and doing a lot of reading and thinking.

I think that part of being a good scientist is disseminating knowledge not just to one's bosses and narrowly-defined colleagues (the people working in the same narrowly-defined subfield, such as one encounters at conferences) but to society at large.  Many scientists, including former and current colleagues, do not agree, which is why I think it is important for me to pursue this outreach. 

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